An Experimental Study on the Perception of Violin Bow Mass Distribution Víctor Salvador-Castrillo, Amélie Picard, Duilio Spalletta, Frédéric Ablitzer and Claudia Fritz Accepted: 28/09/2024
Comparison of speech intelligibility in a real and virtual living room using loudspeaker and headphone presentations Julia Schütze, Christoph Kirsch, Birger Kollmeier and Stephan D. Ewert Accepted: 01/10/2024
A review of acoustic metamaterials for naval and underwater defense applications: from historical concepts to new trends Charles Croenne, Jérôme O. Vasseur, Laetitia Roux, Christian Audoly and Anne-Christine Hladky Accepted: 21/11/2024
Characterization of single reed mouthpiece interaction in quasi static regime Bruno Gazengel, Jean-Pierre Dalmont, Amélie Gaillard, Emmanuel Brasseur and Pierre-André Taillard Accepted: 12/11/2024
Impact of Reduced Sonic Boom Exposure on Introspective Judgments and Annoyance, Pleasantness and Loudness Ratings for Simulated Booms Presented in a Realistic Indoor Environment Frédéric Marmel, Léo Cretagne, Linh-Thao Thuong, François Coulouvrat and Claudia Fritz Accepted: 15/11/2024
The influence of the restitution coefficient and multiple impacts on the force exerted by ISO tapping machines Volker Wittstock, Heinrich Bietz and Martin Schmelzer Accepted: 03/01/2025
A Time-Domain Finite Element Formulation of the Equivalent Fluid Model for the Acoustic Wave Equation Paul Maurerlehner, Dominik Mayrhofer, Manfred Kaltenbacher and Stefan Schoder Accepted: 24/07/2024
Simulation study on noise reduction of electric vehicle tire with built-in sound-absorbing material Tuo Shi, Pan Zhou, Yuxin Feng, Tian Lv, Yaowei Li and Liguo Zang Accepted: 12/11/2024
Development and commissioning of an aeroacoustic test bench for the investigation of single and coaxial propeller noise Erica Gallo, Julien de Decker, Andrea Bresciani, Pauline Haezebrouck, Emanuele Garone and Christophe Schram Accepted: 18/11/2024
Modelling of superposition in 2D linear acoustic wave problems using Fourier Neural Operator networks Michael Middleton, Damian T. Murphy and Lauri Savioja Accepted: 28/10/2024
Loudness matching of complex tones simulating sounds from electric trucks Birgitta Elise Nyman and Arne Nykänen Accepted: 16/12/2024
A subtractive modelling approach for predicting the radiation of an infinite cylindrical shell in a waveguide Florent Dumortier, Jamie Kha, Mahmoud Karimi, Valentin Meyer and Laurent Maxit Accepted: 19/09/2024
Influence and prediction mechanisms for discomfort and memory disturbance due to structure borne sound from metro masked with fountain sound Qiaochu Wang, Wang Hongwei, Yangsheng Cai, Yang Zhang and Chenxi Yang Accepted: 06/12/2024
Acoustic absorption of 3D printed samples at normal incidence and as a duct liner Alexis Jamois, Didier Dragna, Tomasz. G. Zielinski and Marie-Annick Galland Accepted: 09/12/2024
Deriving played trumpet directivity patterns from a multiple-capture transfer-function technique Samuel David Bellows, Joseph E. Avila and Timothy W. Leishman Accepted: 09/12/2024
Computationally-efficient rendering of diffuse reflections for geometrical acoustics based room simulation Stephan Ewert, Nico Gößling, Oliver Buttler, Steven van de Par and Hongmei Hu Accepted: 16/09/2024
Wall losses in straight ducts with non-circular cross sections: a scaling rule of identical losses for wooden flue organ pipes Péter Rucz, Elena Esteve Fontestad, Judit Angster and András Miklós Accepted: 16/11/2024