
Acta Acustica to Transition to Diamond Open Access in 2025

New funding collective supports equitable access to global acoustics research

Paris, 15, January 2025 — The European Acoustics Association (EAA) and EDP Sciences are pleased to announce that Acta Acustica, a key journal in the field of acoustics, transitioned to Diamond Open Access on 1 January 2025. This development continues the journal’s open access journey, which began with its transition from a subscription model to Gold Open Access in 2020, and now to Diamond Open Access in 2025, removing all costs for both readers and authors.


Acta Acustica topical issue on “Development of European Acoustics in 20th Century”

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Acta Acustica topical issue on “Vibroacoustics”

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Acta Acustica topical issue on “Advancements in Ultrasonic NDT: From Pulse-Echo to Integrating AI for Smart Control”

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Acta Acustica topical issue on “Virtual acoustics”

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Acta Acustica topical issue on “Numerical, computational and theoretical acoustics”

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Acta Acustica topical issue on “Musical Acoustics: Latest Advances in Analytical, Numerical and Experimental Methods Tackling Complex Phenomena in Musical Instruments”

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Acta Acustica Makes Strides with Unified Impact Factor, Demonstrating Growth in Acoustics Research

In the recently announced Journal Citation Reports™ by Clarivate, Acta Acustica deserves special recognition for achieving consolidation and progress with a unified Impact Factor of 1.4, following its title change in 2020.


Acta Acustica topical issue on "The sound of Ancient Theatres"

Further information and submission details.

2021 Impact Factor – first, partial impact factor awarded

We are pleased to report that Acta Acustica has been awarded its first, partial impact factor of 1.355 since it changed its name from Acta Acustica united with Acustica and transitioned to open access in 2020. We look forward to reporting on its full impact factor next year.