Acta Acustica now indexed in IET Inspec

We are pleased to announce that Acta Acustica is now indexed in IET Inspec, the definitive engineering, physics, and computer science research database.

IET Inspec contains over 18 million records related to subject-specific and interdisciplinary research in the fields of engineering, physics and computer science. The database serves researchers and professionals by providing topical, reliable, and high-quality information. For 50 years, IET Inspec has been and continues to be “an essential discovery tool to numerous prestigious institutions around the world.”

“A new journal indexation is always something to be celebrated” commented Anne Ruimy, Senior Editor Journals. “We are very proud that the hard work of our editors, reviewers, and authors is getting the recognition it deserves.”

Acta Acustica is an international, peer-reviewed journal on acoustics and on engineering applications. It reports on original* scientific research and is a key journal is EDP Sciences portfolio.