Open Access

Table 2

Model effects for the generalised estimating equations models for repeated measures and multinomial distribution with the four qualities as dependent categorical variables and the acoustical conditions as predictors. Two different models were created for each quality incorporating categories based on the profile pattern and the maximum magnitude respectivelly.

Criterion Depend. variable Predictor Wald Chi-Square df Sig.
Pattern Brightness F0 23.6 1 .000
Spect. shape×Inh. type 6.0 1 .014

Roughness F0×Spect. shape 4.8 1 .028

Mass F0 4.4 1 .036
F0×Inharm. type 4.0 1 .045

Tension F0 24.9 1 .000
F0×Inharm. type 8.1 1 .004
Inharm. type 5.3 1 .022

Magnitude Brightness

Roughness Spect. shape 4.2 1 .040
F0×Spect. shape 4.1 1 .042

Mass F0 6.7 1 .010
Inharm. type 4.7 1 .030

Tension Spectral shape 7.3 1 .007

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