Open Access

Table 6

Eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of attributes scores.

PC Eigenvalue EV (%) Inertia (%)
(a) Test NOEQ
PC1 5.2709 87.8483 87.8483
PC2 0.3086 5.1431 92.9915
PC3 0.1456 2.4272 95.4187
PC4 0.1291 2.1518 97.5705
PC5 0.0897 1.495 99.0656
PC6 0.0561 0.9344 100
(b) Test EQ
PC1 2.7221 45.3688 45.3688
PC2 1.4097 23.4951 68.8639
PC3 0.7459 12.432 81.2962
PC4 0.4604 7.6734 88.9695
PC5 0.3723 6.2046 95.1741
PC6 0.2896 4.8259 100

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