Open Access

Table 7

Loadings on PC1, PC2 and PC3 for constant speed condition.

(a) Test NOEQ
Aggressive −0.4137 0.1809 −0.5180
Noisy −0.4247 0.0750 −0.0855
Soft 0.4114 0.1215 0.1246
Metallic −0.3846 −0.7791 0.3927
Powerful −0.3956 0.5822 0.6865
Vibrating −0.4181 0.0303 −0.2887
(b) Test EQ
Aggressive −0.4211 0.4309 −0.0879
Noisy −0.3672 −0.1883 −0.8506
Soft −0.1148 −0.7408 0.2723
Metallic 0.4526 0.3904 −0.0372
Powerful −0.5130 0.0479 0.3358
Vibrating −0.4547 0.2745 0.2836

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