Table 1
Performances of the proposed approaches on the DiCOVA Track-1 database. The performances on the validation sets are averaged over the five folds. SD = standard deviation.
Validation |
Test |
(%) | Sp (SD) | AUC (SD) | Sp | AUC |
Baseline [5] | – | 68.81 | – | 69.91 |
Hand-crafted-feature-based representations | ||||
Log Mel | 33.16 (8.49) | 60.67 (6.15) | 27.60 | 67.41 |
MFCC | 30.88 (7.63) | 61.16 (3.65) | 23.44 | 55.63 |
ComParE | 33.58 (8.08) | 65.50 (1.96) | 40.10 | 66.90 |
Deep image-from-audio-based representations | ||||
VGG11 | 32.23 (2.73) | 63.09 (2.55) | 42.71 | 65.69 |
ResNet34 | 20.41 (3.83) | 51.69 (3.80) | 38.02 | 58.75 |
Deep audio-based representations | ||||
CNN14_16k | 42.28 (5.49) | 67.82 (3.29) | 44.27 | 67.77 |
ResNet38 | 39.27 (14.81) | 68.36 (4.54) | 45.31 | 65.66 |
Ensemble learning | ||||
Feature-max | 00.00 (0.00) | 63.73 (3.94) | 28.12 | 65.56 |
Feature-avg | 35.54 (8.59) | 68.51 (2.09) | 61.46 | 73.72 |
Feature-attention | 44.56 (6.29) | 70.56 (3.01) | 59.38 | 77.96 |
Decision-max | 31.40 (8.20) | 66.66 (2.25) | 38.02 | 66.44 |
Decision-avg | 35.03 (9.67) | 68.57 (2.98) | 55.73 | 73.25 |
Decision-attention | 39.17 (9.41) | 68.21 (3.92) | 59.38 | 77.36 |
Bold values: The feature-level attention (specificity: 59.38%, AUC: 77.96%) outperforms the other two feature-level fusions (i.e. feature-max and feature-average (avg)), and the decision-level attention (specificity: 59.38%, AUC: 77.36%) performs the best among the three decision-level fusions.
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