Open Access

Table 1

Resonance frequencies of the fully closed cylindrical chamber via analytical method [30] and numerical solution.

Mode Analytical frequency (Hz) [30] Pyramidal mesh
Frequency (Hz) Error (%)
1L 322.4 324.42 0.5645
1T 592 593.76 0.2432
2L 644.9 648.15 0.2683
1L1T 674.1 676.32 0.0800
2L1T 875.4 877.91 0.2216
3L 967.3 970.64 0.1944
2T 982 981.17 0.2566
1L2T 1033.6 1033.0 0.4450
3L1T 1134.1 1135.7 0.7142
1R 1232.5 1235.5 0.1704

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