Table 8
Overview of the recent FSI models. Abbreviations: F = fluid, S = solid; M5 = Scherer’s M5 parametric vocal fold model [13], MRI = Magnetic Resonance Imaging; ic = incompressible, c = compressible, 2L = 2-layer, L-EL = linear elastic, H-EL = hyperelastic, V-EL = viscoelastic, IS = isotropic, TR-IS = transverse isotropic, RD = Rayleigh damping; ALE = Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian approach with moving meshes, IBM = Immersed Boundary Method; FEM = Finite Element Method, DGFEM = Discontinuous Galerkin FEM, FVM = Finite Volume Method, 2DOF = 2-degree-of-freedom (reduced order model), ODE = ordinary differential equations; NA = not available (not provided in the paper).
Study [ID] | Year | VF geom. | F/S model | F/S mesh | FSI | Numerics (F/S) | Software |
Smith [57] | 2012 | M5 | ic/4L H-EL IS RD | 32k/50k | ALE | FEM/FEM | ADINA |
Shurtz [6] | 2013 | M5 | c/4L H-EL IS RD | 32k/60k | ALE | FEM/FEM | ADINA |
Feistauer et al. [7] | 2013 | Sinusoidal | c/1L L-EL IS RD | 5k/2k | ALE | FEM/DGFEM | In-house |
Yang [8] | 2017 | M5 | c/2L V-EL IS | 24k/6k | IBM | FEM/FEM | NA |
Sváček and Horáček [54] | 2018 | Parabolic | ic/2DOF | NA/none | ALE | FEM/ODE | In-house |
Jiang [56] | 2022 | MRI-based | ic/2L V-EL TR-IS | 40k/2M | IBM | FEM/FVM | In-house |
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