Open Access

Table 6

Frequency of residents’ noise reports with AM, and AM depth. Noise reports are grouped by self-stated audibility of WT sounds, and level of annoyance (LoA). LoA is measured on a scale of 0 (not at all annoyed) to 4 (very annoyed). M = mean, SEM = standard error of the mean. F, p, η2: test statistics for analysis of variance.

AM (IOA) Noise reports Test statistic
50–200 Hz No noise LoA = 0 LoA = 1 LoA ≥ 2
Not detected 11513 1621
92.7%76.5% 94.1%67.7%
Maximum AM depth (dB) M = 0.34M = 0.98M = 0.30M = 1.57F(3) = 5.72
SEM = 0.14SEM = 0.38SEM = 0.38SEM = 0.28p < 0.001, η2 = 0.09
Range (when detected)3–63–5 5 3–7

Not detected123161631
Maximum SPP (dB)M = 0.57M = 0.64M = 0.79M = 0.68F(3) = 1.13
SEM = 0.04SEM = 0.17SEM = 0.24SEM = 0.09p = 0.340, η2 = 0.02

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