Open Access

Table 2

Summary of post-hoc pairwise comparisons for the significant two-way interaction effects generated from the GLMM (HP: high predictability; LP: low predictability; UnP: unprocessed; NV: noise-vocoded; M: male; F: female).

Interaction Pairwise contrast Contrast estimate Std. error t df Adj. Sig. 95% CI
Lower Upper
Accent × Semantic Mild HP – LP 0.246 0.015 16.649 305 <0.0001 0.217 0.275
Moderate HP – LP 0.322 0.017 18.662 305 <0.0001 0.288 0.356
HP Mild – Moderate 0.214 0.015 13.823 305 <0.0001 0.183 0.244
LP Mild – Moderate 0.290 0.017 17.424 305 <0.0001 0.257 0.322
Condition × Semantic UnP HP – LP 0.226 0.013 17.167 305 <0.0001 0.200 0.252
NV HP – LP 0.283 0.016 17.308 305 <0.0001 0.251 0.315
HP UnP – NV 0.323 0.015 22.100 305 <0.0001 0.294 0.352
LP UnP – NV 0.380 0.016 24.506 305 <0.0001 0.350 0.411
Sex × Accent M Mild – Moderate 0.230 0.018 12.484 305 <0.0001 0.194 0.266
F Mild – Moderate 0.321 0.017 19.126 305 <0.0001 0.288 0.354
Mild M – F −0.089 0.015 −6.010 305 <0.001 −0.118 −0.060
Moderate M – F 0.002 0.019 0.116 305 0.908 −0.035 0.040
Condition × Sex UnP M – F −0.018 0.013 −1.344 305 0.180 −0.043 0.008
NV M – F −0.120 0.017 −6.878 305 <0.001 −0.154 −0.086
M UnP – NV 0.442 0.016 28.082 305 <0.0001 0.411 0.473
F UnP – NV 0.340 0.017 20.561 305 <0.0001 0.307 0.372

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