Open Access

Table 2

Sources of delay in network audio communication, with typical values for Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) network, and ranges which can typically occur.

Delay sourceDelayConfigurationRange
Source to mic.1 ms0.3 m dist.1–5 ms
A/D conv., USB1.5 msUSB sound card0.5–2 ms
Block processing2 ms96 samples/block fs = 48 kHz0.25–5 ms
Network10 ms<1000 km1–20 ms
Jitter comp.10 msTypical for DSL5–20 ms
Block processing2 msSee above0.25–5 ms
D/A conv., USB1.5 msUSB sound card0.5–2 ms
Speaker to ear
0.1 ms
0.1 ms
Total delay28.1 ms10–50 ms

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