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Acta Acustica

Volume 8 (2024)

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Topical Issue - Virtual acoustics

Topical Issue - The Sound of Ancient Theatres

Topical Issue - Numerical, computational and theoretical acoustics

Topical Issue - Vibroacoustics

Topical Issue - Musical Acoustics: Latest Advances in Analytical, Numerical and Experimental Methods Tackling Complex Phenomena in Musical Instruments

Topical Issue - Active Noise and Vibration Control

Environmental Noise

Audio Signal Processing and Transducers

Hearing, Audiology and Psychoacoustics

Computational and Numerical Acoustics

Musical Acoustics


Virtual Acoustics

Acoustic Materials and Metamaterials

Building Acoustics


Scientific Article


Room Acoustics

Noise Control

General Linear Acoustics

Structural Acoustics

Physical Acoustics