Table 1
List of questions asked after each short run of the psychophysical tasks (all of them) and after each rest period (“direct effect” questions only), as well as the associated labels used in Figure 2. The questions were always asked in the following order: “indirect effect” questions (1–2), “direct effect” questions about the booms (1–6), and “direct effect” questions about the rattle noise (1–6).
Question | Label | |
“Indirect effect” questions: | 1. How much did you have to concentrate to do the task? | Task Concentration |
2. Did you have to put in a lot of effort to do the task? | Task Effort | |
“Direct effect” questions: | 1. How much did the booms/the rattle disturb you when doing the task? | Boom/Rattle Disturbance |
2. How unpleasant did the booms/rattle sound? | Boom/Rattle Unpleasantness | |
3. How loud were the booms/was the rattle? | Boom/Rattle Intensity | |
4. How easily could you ignore the booms/the rattle? | Boom/Rattle Salience | |
5. Did the booms/the rattle surprise you or make you jump? | Boom/Rattle Surprise | |
6. Did you notice the presence of rattle caused by the booms? | Boom/Rattle Awareness |
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