Open Access
Table 2
Information about the four statistical analyses: research questions, dependent and independent variables, and number of participants.
Analysis # | Research question | Dependant variable | Independent variables |
# Participants | ||
Boom levels | Rooms | Activities | ||||
1 | Respective effects of the boom and its associated rattle depending on the room | the “indirect effect” questions | No Boom, Low Boom and High boom | Living room and Kitchen | working memory and motor control tasks | 40 |
2 | the “direct effect” questions | Low Boom and High boom | Living room and Kitchen | working memory and motor control tasks | 40 | |
3 | Respective effects of the boom and its associated rattle depending on the activity | the “indirect effect” questions | No Boom, Low Boom and High boom | Living room | the three tasks | 39 |
4 | the “direct effect” questions | Low Boom and High boom | Living room | the four activities | 32 |
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