Open Access

Table 3

Summary description of the end-of-session questionnaire.

Section # of questions Rating scale
0. Date of birth and Level of education 2 4-points scale (3 = strongly agree, 2 = slightly agree, 1 = slightly disagree, 0 = strongly disagree)
1. Noise sensitivity (NoiSeQ-R) 13  
2. Sensation of control and capacity of adaptation regarding noise at home 9 5-points ICBEN scale (5 = extremely, 4 = very, 3 = moderately, 2 = slightly, 1 = not at all)
3. Worries about potential negative effects of traffic noise 6  
4. Evaluation of noise sources (general attitude) 9  
5. Trust in authorities regarding traffic noise management 9  
6. Satisfaction regarding noise in their neighbourhood 6  
7. Annoyance regarding traffic noise and neighbourhood noise at home 6  
8. Home activities disturbed by traffic noise 8  
9. Intensity of noise perceived at home at day and night 4  

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