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Analysis of Model Parameters and Experimental Setup for Accurate Characterization of Ultrasound Phased Arrays Using a Low-Cost Sensor
Filippo Attivissimo, Francesco Adamo, Luisa De Palma, Attilio Di Nisio, Mattia Alessandro Ragolia and Anna Maria Lucia Lanzolla IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 74 1 (2025)
Validity of the 1984 Interim Guidelines on Airborne Ultrasound and Gaps in the Current Knowledge
Advances on Testing and Experimentation in Civil Engineering
Julieta António, António Tadeu and João Dias Carrilho Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering, Advances on Testing and Experimentation in Civil Engineering 333 (2023)
Investigation of resolution and microphone size for measurements of airborne ultrasound
Robert Schöneweiß, Christoph Kling and Christian Koch The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 151(5) 3448 (2022)
Development of an ultrasound level meter for use in occupational safety and health
Development of a Personal Ultrasound Exposimeter for Occupational Health Monitoring
Michal Cieslak, Christoph Kling and Andrea Wolff International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(24) 13289 (2021)