Issue |
Acta Acust.
Volume 4, Number 1, 2020
Article Number | E1 | |
Number of page(s) | 1 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 16 January 2020 |
Acta Acustica
The EAA is proud, to announce the “reborn” of Acta Acustica, our new Open Access journal.
Acta Acustica is the only full open access journal controlled by an acoustic association. Acta Acustica will cover all domains of acoustics.
As you probably know, more than 20 research-funding agencies have agreed to support the so-called S-plan, that imposes that, starting in 2021, all the peer-reviewed results of projects funded by these agencies must be published in full open access journals and thus distributed worldwide.
In order to avoid that the Article Processing Charges become an obstacle for publication for small-revenue institutions, the General Assembly of the EAA has agreed, under the principle of solidarity, to establish a financial support system for the authors belonging to the EAA National Societies. The support rules are detailed on the Journal website:
Thanks to the involvement and the professionalism of the Editor in Chief, the Associated Editors and all the Reviewers, the last issue of Acta Acustica united with Acustica has been published on time, despite all the operational difficulties encountered the last couple of months with our previous publisher.
The same team has accepted to continue serving the EAA and will put both their enthusiasm and professionalism to make Acta Acustica, a top scientific level Journal and transform the first full open access Acoustics Journal controlled by a non-profit association in a great success.
The year 2020 sounds like a very important for the EAA and a big challenge for the new board: launching of our new open access Journal, organizing our conference Forum Acusticum and above all make the International year of sound a big success.
Cite this article as: Zakharia M, 2020. Editorial, Acta Acustica, 4, E1.
© The Authors, Published by EDP Sciences, 2020
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