Open Access

Table 4

Averaged prediction error (NRMSD) between the predicted and perceptual data. The mapping and prediction errors of calculated results are shown in italic and bold, respectively.

Experiment Modification Condition Fitting parameter NRMSD (%)
A ILD expansion BB bILD 4.5
LO 4.8
HI 7.8
B Spectral magnitude smoothing ipsilateral, constant ILD bξ & w 4.9
C ILD contrast compression ipsi bξ & w 4.0
contra bξ & w 4.0
D Spectral magnitude smoothing bi 4.8
ipsi 3.7
contra 4.2
E Reverberation reduction and spectral magnitude smoothing High spectral detail (B = 0) bILD TSD & bγ 3.3
B = 1 4.7
B = 4 6.4
B = 16 3.1
Low spectral detail (B = 64) 3.0

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