Open Access

Table 1

Results of the four-way mixed ANOVA with the between-subjects factor head tracking (HT) and the within-subjects factors distance (Dist), azimuth (Az), and normalization (Norm).

Source df F MSE ε p
 HT 1, 48 .88 11.06 .02 .35
 Dist 4, 192 149.16 1.03 .32 .76 <.001*
 Dist × HT 4, 192 .12 1.03 .32 0 .794
 Az 2, 96 9.82 .33 .98 .17 <.001*
 Az × HT 2, 96 6.56 .33 .98 .12 .002*
 Norm 1, 48 15.54 2.71 1 .25 <.001*
 Norm × HT 1, 48 .36 2.71 1 .01 .551
 Dist × Az 8, 384 5.59 .08 .43 .10 .001*
 Dist × Az × HT 8, 384 12.13 .08 .43 .20 <.001*
 Dist × Norm 4, 192 219.68 1.15 .31 .82 <.001*
 Dist × Norm × HT 4, 192 1.43 1.15 .31 .03 .241
 Az × Norm 2, 96 2.37 .24 .97 .05 .101
 Az × Norm × HT 2, 96 1.92 .24 .97 .04 .153
 Dist × Az × Norm 8, 384 7.55 .07 .38 .14 <.001*
 Dist × Az × Norm × HT 8, 384 14.31 .07 .38 .23 <.001*

Note. ε = Greenhouse-Geisser (GG) epsilon, p = GG-corrected p-values. Note that GG correction is appropriate only for within-subject tests, with more than one degree of freedom in the numerator. *p < .05.

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