Figure 10

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Comparison of mean and 95% CI of angular and confusion errors between experiments (HRTF selection methods). Presented results correspond to the first session of each experiment. Parseihian presents the results of groups G1 and G3 in exp-Parseihian. Zagala traj presents the results of participants during the localization task using their best-match HRTF in exp-zagala. zagala loc represents performance with post-hoc determined best-match HRTF calculated for each metric in exp-zagala. current present the combined results of groups G-anech and G-reverb in the current study. stitt presents the results of groups W4 and W10 in exp-stitt. This last group is added to the comparison despite having already been through one training session, as no localization task was performed before the training in exp-stitt. From left to right, angle metrics error bars (top) respectively represent 1092 pts, 1250 pts, 2000 pts, 1440 pts, and 1092 pts, while confusion metrics error bars (bottom) respectively represent 28 pts, 10 pts, 16 pts, 24 pts, and 28 pts.
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