Figure 9


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(a) Measurement-based (light grey) and (b), (c) model-based broadband ITD estimations, colour-coded in grey, black and blue, respectively, evaluated for directions in the horizontal plane for HRTF and front (F) and rear (R) HARTF datasets. Deviations from measurement-based ITDs are shown as dashed-dotted (Models 1 and 3) or dotted lines (Model 2+), with standard deviations as shaded areas. (d) Scatter plots comparing measurement-based and model-based ITD maxima, fitted by linear regression lines. Box plots show medians and IQRs of differences in (e) ITD maxima and (f) arguments of the ITD maxima, with whiskers covering 1.5 times the IQR, and outliers being displayed as crosses. Horizontal black lines indicate non-significant (n.s.) mean differences at the 95% confidence level.

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