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Figure 3


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Metric behavior for (a) inter-individual errors within the “measured” dataset (with IDs 13, 8, 1 as reference, from left to right) and for intra-individual errors between (b) the “measured” and “anthroPCA”, (c) the “measured” and “idealPCA”, and (d) the “idealPCA” and “anthroPCA” datasets. The box plots (top) visualize the distribution of metric values, normalized by the 95th percentile of each metric. Two example pairs of transfer functions are depicted in the middle row, with an offset of 20 dB introduced for better visibility. Corresponding (normalized) metric values are indicated by the gray and black lines superimposing the box plots. Pearson correlation coefficients with p < 0.05 after Bonferroni correction (bottom) display varying patterns, with most prominent differences present in case (c).

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