Table B.2

Coherence length values extracted from measurements at Lyon, France [5, 13]. ΛG is read in Figure 4a [5] and Figure 7 [13] on the lag axis where the Gaussian lines reach −π/4 ≈ −0.785 and exp(−π/2) ≈ 0.208, respectively. is obtained by present fitting (10) of the original coherence data.

Reference d (mm) U Re ΛG
Casalino & Jacob [5] 16 20.0 22,000 5.1 4.4
Jacob et al. [13] 10 20.0 13,300 5.0 5.1
30.5 20,300 4.9 5.0
41.0 27,300 4.9 4.8
72.0 48,000 5.8 5.4
16 20.0 21,300 4.9 4.5
30.5 32,500 4.7 4.3
41.0 43,700 4.4 4.0
72.0 76,800 4.4 4.0

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