Open Access
Table 4
Examples of human-based ground truth versus machine-based responses for Q4.
Human-based ground truth | Machine-based responses | |
Tier 1 | Not specified | The applications of the Neural Beamforming Front-End described in the paper include real-time audio signal enhancement for human-computer interaction, telecommunication, web conferencing, and pro-audio applications. |
Tier 2 | Voice-Over-IP applications | The applications of high fidelity speech regeneration with application to speech enhancement include speech enhancement for better communication and collaboration, particularly in the context of physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Tier 3 | Podcasts, video voice-overs, and audiobooks that require studio-quality audio with full bandwidth and balanced equalization (EQ) | The applications of signal processing to audio and acoustics discussed in the paper are focused on speech enhancement, specifically improving the quality of real-world consumer-grade recordings to sound like studio recordings. This can be beneficial for various content creation tasks such as podcasts, video voice-overs, and audiobooks. |
Tier 4 | Law-enforcement related audio recordings where it’s difficult to understand the speech of one specific speaker amongst all the others | The applications mentioned in the text are related to law enforcement and investigations involving audio recordings. |
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