Table 1
Measured densities of the 12 wedges (average of the geometric and displacement methods); Values of the Young modulus along the grain EL derived from equation (1), using the measured averaged densities and the sound velocities measured with two methods. The last three lines of each table provide the averages, the standard deviations and the coefficients of variations across the six wedges of the same type. The error values for density were derived from the differences between the two density measurement methods, whereas the values for EL were directly calculated for each sound velocity measurement.
Measured ρ | EL derived from sound velocity measured with the first compression mode | EL derived from sound velocity measured with Lucchimeter | |
[kg · m−3] | [MPa] | [MPa] | |
Top wedge | |||
A | 381 ± 3 | 10823 | 11601 |
B | 388 ± 3 | 11771 | 12989 |
C | 370 ± 3 | 11624 | 12466 |
D | 374 ± 3 | 11427 | 12518 |
E | 362 ± 3 | 10814 | 11571 |
F | 367 ± 3 | 11072 | 11768 |
Mean | 374 | 11255 | 12152 |
Standard deviation | 9 | 412 | 587 |
Coefficients of variations | 2.3% | 3.7% | 4.8% |
Back wedge | |||
A | 558 ± 5 | 11139 | 128617 |
B | 574 ± 5 | 12276 | 15116 |
C | 568 ± 5 | 11154 | 13001 |
D | 559 ± 5 | 10777 | 13018 |
E | 570 ± 5 | 10801 | 12591 |
F | 574 ± 5 | 11685 | 14356 |
Mean | 567 | 11306 | 13491 |
Standard deviation | 7 | 578 | 1006 |
Coefficients of variations | 1.3% | 5.1% | 7.5% |
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