Table 4

Elastic parameters (in MPa) obtained by FEMU optimisation for the constants EL, ER, GLR and GRT for the six tops. Reference range from [20].

Top EL [MPa] ER [MPa] GLR [MPa] GRT [MPa]
A 10327 889 834 44
B 10305 936 718 44
C 9010 1119 704 44
D 9031 1001 605 44
E 9006 1021 598 40
F 9685 1111 641 41
Mean 9560 1012 683 42
Std. Dev. 640 92 88 1
Coefficients of variations 6.6% 9.0% 13.0% 4.2%
Reference range 9000–16200 540–1120 590–1500 30–45

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