Table 5
Elastic parameters (in MPa) obtained by FEMU optimisation for the four constants EL, ER, GLR and GRT for the six backs. Reference range from [20] with a lower value for lower bound to include with some margin both the values measured by the Bilbao team and those estimated with Viala’s laws.
Back | E L | E R | G LR | G RT |
[MPa] | [MPa] | [MPa] | [MPa] | |
A | 9028 | 1679 | 1178 | 370 |
B | 10954 | 1616 | 1228 | 386 |
C | 10895 | 1576 | 1212 | 354 |
D | 10192 | 1491 | 1179 | 362 |
E | 10585 | 1466 | 1121 | 354 |
F | 10279 | 1424 | 1215 | 449 |
Mean | 10322 | 1542 | 1188 | 379 |
Standard deviation | 644 | 89 | 35 | 33 |
Coefficients of variations | 6.2% | 5.7% | 2.9% | 8.7% |
Reference range | 9000–18200 | 1380–2310 | 720–1600 | 280–470 |
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