Issue |
Acta Acust.
Volume 8, 2024
Article Number | 7 | |
Number of page(s) | 11 | |
Section | Aeroacoustics | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 February 2024 |
Scientific Article
Experimental and numerical observation of flow-acoustics feedback phenomena due to two diaphragms in tandem inserted in a rectangular duct
Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Laboratoire Roberval, BP 20529, 60205 Compiègne Cedex, France
ESI-Group, 39 Chemin Des Ramassiers, ZAC Des Ramassiers Les Ailes de l’Europe, 31170 Colomiers CEDEX, France
Naval Group, Technopôle de la mer, 199 Avenue Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, 83190, Ollioules, France
Université de Sherbrooke, 2500 boulevard de l'Université, Sherbrooke, Canada
* Corresponding author:
The proximity of obstacles in a ventilation network can result in a significant increase of the noise production. In this paper, a tandem diaphragm inserted in a rigid duct with rectangular cross section is investigated and compared to a single diaphragm obstruction. The disturbed flow which reaches the second obstacle causes an amplification of the radiated noise which goes beyond a simple doubling of the power. Experimental results, carried with various spacing between the two diaphragms and bulk velocity, allows identifying other aeroacoustic source mechanisms which does not appear with a single diaphragm. Depending on the configuration, the broadband level can increase by more than 10 dB and feedback phenomena can appear at low frequency. Explanations and illustrations of those phenomena are given thanks to compressible-fluid simulations.
Key words: Duct acoustics / Flow-induced noise / Direct noise computation / Feedback loop
© The Author(s), Published by EDP Sciences, 2024
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