Open Access

Table 5

Best model according to the feature selection procedure of Section 4. t-tests performed using Satterwaithe’s method as implemented in R package lmerTest [56].

Fixed effects Estimates Standard error df t p
Intercept 2.19 0.09 435.23 24.368 <0.001
diffBands2_mean 0.52 0.07 1524.52 7.173 <0.001
niaccBands3_mean −0.43 0.06 1513.04 −7.667 <0.001
sphDIElBands3_mean 0.23 0.07 1473.81 3.496 <0.001
sphDIBands3_var 0.11 0.06 1410.96 1.780 0.075

Random effects = 0.131 (participant) AIC = 2764.1
= 0.128 (participant and piece)
Residual variance = 0.225

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