Open Access
Acta Acust.
Volume 4, Number 5, 2020
Article Number 18
Number of page(s) 11
Section Musical Acoustics
Published online 29 October 2020

Supplementary materials

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Two audio files from the in situ recordings are provided to demonstrate the perceptual differences between the three academic resonators. Both files are from the U87 microphone and have been processed with the same 100 Hz high pass filter and root-mean-square processing used in Figure 3:

  1. Demo1_ScaleByRes.wav: Uses short sections of each note of a resonator to make a rapid scale. Scales from all three resonators play one after the next within the same file. This allows for a rapid comparison of the perceptual differences between resonators and across the range of the fingerings.

  2. Demo2_CompositeByRes.wav: Has three sound events, one for each resonator, each of which is the superposition of all the notes for the given resonator. The purpose of this is to hear the timbre effect of the aggregate sound: it is an approximation to a “choir” of resonators with a given cutoff frequency.

© E. A. Petersen et al., Published by EDP Sciences, 2020

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