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Table 3

Steps of the process for one text and its associated questions as an example.

Code Step Display Translation Answering key
W1 1500 ms of waiting period W1 forcing the eyes to fix the stars *** ***
R Line/Page n°1 « La nuit est tombée sur le laboratoire de biologie “Night has fallen on the biology laboratory next
R Line/Page n°2 Cependant, une lumière est restée allumée au However, a light remained on in the next
R Line/Page n°3 dernier étage de l’immeuble où sommeillent les the top floor of the building, where sleep the next
R Line/Page n°4 petits animaux dans leur cage. C’est alors qu’un small animals in their cage. It is then that a next
R Line/Page n°5 homme vêtu de noir entre silencieusement. man dressed in black enters silently. next
R Line/Page n°6 Il éteint toutes les lumières du laboratoire. » It turns off all the lights in the laboratory.” next
W2 500 ms of waiting period W2 forcing the eyes to fix the stars *** ***
ATW Target –word question craire craire (non-French word) False
W2 500 ms of waiting period W2 forcing the eyes to fix the stars *** ***
ACQ Comprehension question L’homme n’a probablement pas le droit d’être là. The man probably has no right to be there. True
W3 Variable waiting time W3 in order to avoid the all process to be less than 30 s *** ***

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